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BITE user profile - beer_monster1

Profile information

Username: beer_monster1

Age: 41

Sex: female

Latest comments by beer_monster1

The Rat and Parrot, Crawley

I'm not too sure which pub "bestd" went to...The R&P is an absolutely fantastic pub and my local haunt, I wouldn't bother going anywhere else in Crawley, (unless you're in to necrophelia - then the Punch Bowl will be right up your alley - well, everyone looks comatose in there anyway). It's always got a lively atmosphere, good music & good natured staff NB) The only people I've ever seen being treated abruptly are the w*nkers that well and truly deserve it (think about it).

16 Jun 2005 17:32

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beer_monster1 has been registered on this site since 16th June 2005