BITE user profile - beer4menow
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beer4menow has been registered on this site since 7th May 2009
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beer4menow has been registered on this site since 7th May 2009
The Swan, West Green
Hi All
Well lets face it the reveiws for this pub are somewhat up and down.
However I do have to say that after many a good night in the Swan it has come to the stage that the price of beer is to say the least stupid.
Beer and therefore beer tax is paid on strength not name and the swan seems fine to charge just 10p less for say hophead or a mild (under 4%) then pride 4.1%. In fact you can get over 5% P...head juice for �2.95 and be expected to pay �2.80 for a 3.6% mild today!
Let face it drinkers are not pisshe.ds so why should the guy who want 4 or 5 pints have to pay for the guy who has 3 or 4 and is off his head.
Maybe the thing here is responsable drinking is lost on the swan and in fact they would rather make less from the kids and pisshea.s who want to pay less to get drunk, and at the same time punish the real drinkers.
And worse is that this pub is in the CAMRA good beer book.
Either the landlord has changed, or the guys lost it.
I am just a normal ale buyer in Crawley, but like to think I know where most of the ale drinkers drink in Crawley. Last year it was the swan, now most nights you find them elsewhere.
Come on landlord sort your prices our before you end up with no regulers drinking ale other then the ones who are barred from everywhere else or live next do.
And another tip the tax increase was just 2% thats per keg not per pint. tops 1p a pint so 5p is your fault and the customers are not stupid so dont treat them like they are! Read the threads above and do the sums yourself.
Red Hunter anyone?
7 May 2009 00:32