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BITE user profile - beckycenamor

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Username: beckycenamor

Age: 35

Sex: ?

Latest comments by beckycenamor

The Rose and Crown, Wallington Corner

I have been made aware of some of the comments
posted on your web. I as the manager of this pub would like to confirm that we are a family pub .
the acusation of racism are very hurtful as I have spent 24 years eradicating it ( I am spanish)
but I must admit I have a family from Gibraltar
and occasionaly we have some banter,normally on a sunday afternoon,this may look to some as racism, but
nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes we do have some customer that have tattoes,and are bald headed. this does not make them racists,and if you can tell me of any pub were these people dont exist I will gladly come and visit.

finaly ,it seems to me that this person is the real racist. we probably have the best record in the area as a friendly,trouble free pub

thank you for listening.

Luis J Cenamor
Manager of The Rose & Crown

29 Feb 2008 20:34

The Rose and Crown, Wallington Corner

Having read the comments posted about this pub - it's clear to see that the people don't know what they're talking about.

I have grown up in this pub under management of my parents, and to discribe this pub as "racist" is completely false.

This is a family orientated place, and we have large groups of diverse regulars. If this was a bad, racist pub then why would people continue to come back time and time again?

And, just to let you all know, my father, the manager of the pub happens to be Spanish and has been accepted by all our customers for the past 24 YEARS - that's right.

I think all of you who discribe this pub as a racist place don't deserve to voice your opionions. Tell me of a pub that doesn't occasionally get a nasty customer? The BANTER you refer to is normally directed at my father, so i think you've got your wires crossed. And my father knows none of his customers are racist towards him, or anyone else... if they were, they would be asked to leave the pub and not return.

Thanks for listening.

29 Feb 2008 20:15

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beckycenamor has been registered on this site since 29th February 2008