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BITE user profile - barlady

Profile information

Username: barlady

Age: 39

Sex: ?

Latest comments by barlady

Case is Altered, Old Redding

as for the message posted on 9th july, the immature girl and her boyfriend that i served had thrown two glasses of blackcurrant and lemonade over me because i couldnt understand her boyfriend when i served him while he was on his mobile phone, which is why she was charged for those drinks and refused a refund. oh, and you're barred so its lucky you dont want to come back isnt it. as for the rest of the customers, thank you very much for your patience during the summer, we are run by a company, one which doesnt like to give us much budget for staff wages unfortunately because we dont take enough through winter (no local residents to attract) so it was hard for all the staff, but most of you were brilliantly understanding. we have a new manager now who should improve sales and therefore increase staff budget next season.

11 Oct 2005 16:24

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barlady has been registered on this site since 11th October 2005