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BITE user profile - alastairmacmillan

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Username: alastairmacmillan

Age: 42

Sex: ?

Latest comments by alastairmacmillan

The Rowbarge Hotel, St Johns

Well it would seem that the people who left bad reviews on this place are full of it. Probably under age or just plain chavs.

I have been frequenting this place for a couple of months. Probably 4 times a month, and i have to say it is refreshing to see a pub that does not cook boil in the bag or microwaved food. All is cooked fresh.

If your a fan of lamb, then i would suggest you try "Rack on Black"

The staff are lovely, and one in particular is easy on the eyes.

I was suprised to see any bad feedback as i have never had any issues. Perhaps if someone will judge a pub on food, they should try something other than a toasted sandwich.

19 Dec 2006 11:49

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alastairmacmillan has been registered on this site since 19th December 2006