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BITE user profile - al3xander

Profile information

Username: al3xander

Age: 47

Sex: ?

Latest comments by al3xander

The Railway, Streatham

Dear Dangerboy,

I do apologise for misleading you, the garden is through the back down ellison road. We are currently refurbishing it to get it ready for summer time -the benches in the front are simply additional outside seats available for customers.


11 Apr 2006 11:13

The Railway, Streatham

Dear Anon,

My name is Alex and I am the manager of The Railway.

I am honestly distrought that you may have found our standrads below average. Please reveal yourself and I certainly would like to invite you for a glass of Italian, Australian, Chilean, or Spanish Wine -or, a pint of fine ale if you feel up for it.

We work exceedingly hard to bring the highest standards of customer satisfaction -and should there be any complaints please do email me directly at [email protected] so that I can remedy the concern at hand. I am always open to discuss any matter in this way.



11 Apr 2006 11:10

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al3xander has been registered on this site since 11th April 2006