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BITE user profile - WilliamA

Profile information

A yank that loves England.

Username: WilliamA

Age: 72

Sex: male

Latest comments by WilliamA

Duke Of Wellington, Belgravia

I good friend originally introduced me to the Duke back in 1984, while my wife & I were visiting during our honeymoon. We came back again in 2008 (24 years later) for a visit but this time with our daughter. She loved the place as well. Our little group sat in a warm corner booth, had a great dinner, watched some cricket and had plenty of pints over many good toasts throughout the evening. Now back in the states we only have our pictures to remember this bit of heaven. Cheers!

5 Jan 2009 23:15

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WilliamA has been registered on this site since 5th January 2009