I have recently visited this pub, the waitresses are polite and very friendly, However the oweners seemed to be in a world of there own discussing things that arnte to be discussed in front of customers the female owner seemed off her trolly, she was rude and i found what she said to me very offensive, the food was brilliant and i thanked the chefs for this, and they seemed to be very polite and thankful for my comments on the food.
16 Nov 2007 16:58
Contact Wheylanjaffa
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The Wishing Well, Pondwell
I have recently visited this pub, the waitresses are polite and very friendly, However the oweners seemed to be in a world of there own discussing things that arnte to be discussed in front of customers the female owner seemed off her trolly, she was rude and i found what she said to me very offensive, the food was brilliant and i thanked the chefs for this, and they seemed to be very polite and thankful for my comments on the food.
16 Nov 2007 16:58