BITE user profile - WanderingYank
Profile information
Now an adopted New Yorker, many fond memories of the sort of pubs that seem elusive over here - sure we have some great 'bars', but no pubs!
Username: WanderingYank
Age: 64
Sex: male
Latest comments by WanderingYank
Oh, come on sniffer, the Hole wasn't that bad - at least during the years I knew it (1977-88), but yes, a great venue for the vierw alone. Can't comment on the food and beer - yet...
15 Nov 2008 23:39
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WanderingYank has been registered on this site since 15th November 2008
The Black Horse, Clapton in Gordano
Get you feet under a table in this pub and it will soon be your local. To truly appreciate this place you have to a)get to know some of the regulars and their convoluted stories and b) watch the changing of the rural seasons as the toursists and casual goers leave you to a warm fire and cold weather. No screenwriter could create this place and be taken seriously - a unique pub in a unique place with many, many stores to tell. The bar at the back - or was it the serving area - an argument there to start with - was the jail in the 12th century. The fire burned from the civil war (yes, the English Civil war in the seventeenth century, lit from the embers of the pyres that were lit to warn of the impending seige of Bristol) until 1986 when some twit let it go out.. sit back and slide comfortably into the arms of your history and may never leave..
15 Nov 2008 23:48