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BITE user profile - Usettler

Profile information

Username: Usettler

Age: 70

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Usettler

The Mail Rooms, Ross-on-Wye

As with all wetherspoons I find the place souless. Not a place to relax. Ceiling so high the place echos.

28 May 2005 13:02

Riverside Bar and Bistro, Ross-on-Wye

Changed hands and is now signifcantly different. Not sure what it's trying to be. Personally, I don't like it all.

28 May 2005 13:01

The Crown and Sceptre, Ross-on-Wye

Been refurbed again which has created a much better atmosphere. Beer are really good. Always 3 real ales which are rotated and always one cheap one. Large selection of Lagers and Cider. Good staff and a pub for everyone (locals, tourists, families. Definately the best pub in Ross by some way!

28 May 2005 12:57

See all comments by Usettler

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Usettler has been registered on this site since 28th May 2005