BITE user profile - The_Lone_Gunman
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Username: The_Lone_Gunman
Age: 56
Sex: male
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The_Lone_Gunman has been registered on this site since 10th August 2014
The Southbury Hotel, Enfield
Now known as The Meeting. Visited on a Saturday evening. Good place to eat. Thai food was very good, if a little expensive for the area. But the pub... Forget it. Frightening décor and full of the sort of customers who are banned from other pubs in the area, Real bottom of the barrel stuff. Hard to believe that the restaurant coexists with such a awful place. Cant comment on the beer, but if you are happy to drink with such people the I guess you mind too much. We just stuck our heads in the bar after our meal. It took all of 3 seconds to decide to have a drink elsewhere.
10 Aug 2014 22:14