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BITE user profile - TeeJay

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"Do not cease to drink beer, to eat, to intoxicate thyself, to make love, and to celebrate the good days." - (Ancient Egyptian Credo).
Hello good people of the Bite site!!
My motto :- "Nunc Est Bibendum"! - Now is the time to drink! Actually, I have another motto too.."I think you'll find I'm next barman..!"
Good people, may you always be happy, healthy, rich enough to get your round in, and walking distance from a good 'BITE' pub !!
I hope this site will help you in your quest to find the perfect bar, and when you find it, please..please.. let the rest of us know..!! Thats important! What are you waiting for...?! As Arnie used to say, "Imbibe, Baby!"... TJ

Username: TeeJay

Age: 67

Sex: male

Latest comments by TeeJay

Crosses Corner, Windsor

Good day Cheekymrt...! I thought it was time I replied to your latest message! Sorry for any confusion last year (...or was it 2013..) i may have mixed you up with another pub! Well done for continuing to show the live football, and other sporting events. That is important, and there's not enough pubs doing that in the area. Well done. While I've got the 'mike', can I mention a couple of things. Sports fans, and in particular footy fans like their lager. Kronenburg is ok, but a choice of premium lagers would be nice. "Meantime" beers would be splendid !! Now, you advertise outside the pub as being a "Sports bar", showing 'live' sport, etc. And that's great. And the last Saturday that I was in your pub, there were a dozen blokes (mainly chaps..) avidly watching the football on the TV screens. So, why...was the surly young lady serving behind the bar, put out, when someone asked for the music to be turned off and the sound for the football to be turned on...!?!? And, why wasn't the sound for the game already on, for the start of the match...?!? Ok, she might not like football, but the pub was fairly full with blokes who wanted to see the game! I do hope she's not going to be like that for the cup final, or other major sporting event..!! Keep up the good work!

21 Jan 2015 15:00

The Cricketers, Richmond

"The Cricketers" - I am quite amazed that no-one has reviewed this fine pub in the last 24 months...! Does no-one use this pub..?! I must admit, I don't, anymore. I was put off by inexperienced barstaff who didn't know the difference between a Chardonay and a Sauvignon Blanc (...they're white wines, for all the lager drinkers out there...!) and I also got fed up waiting at the bar trying to get their attention; and for other reasons which I won't go into, on this forum! Basically, you get better service, and better food, and better the pub next door!! So that's where I go, and it seems that's where everyone else goes aswell, now! I may be being harsh here, you may love the Cricketers, and its tiny dimensions. I could never get a seat when I wanted, let alone a table if there's more than one of you. They didn't favour decent white wine. And the last time I had a look in here, they weren't serving "Meantime Brewery" beers (from Greenwich) which is a very popular brand at the moment. However, in the summer, when the sun is shining & cricketers are cricketing on the Green immediately outside...I can see the pub would appeal to many! And why not, on a nice sunny day. But until then, I shall continue to use the best pub in Richmond, next door...! The Princes Head. Howzat..!

21 Jan 2015 14:35

The Duke, Richmond

Ah, the ol' DUKE...used to be one of my fav pubs on the Richmond circuit, until it became a restaurant...with a pub attached on the side. Maybe thats putting it harshly, but as 'BeerBelly' so eloquently puts it, The Duke is lacking in atmosphere & identity, whenever I visit now. Don't go in on a Monday afternoon expecting hot food! That's when the kitchen gets a thorough clean. And at 4.00pm you will be the only person in the pub! Mind you, I have been there on other days and at other times and still the place is empty..! Me thinks they are doing something wrong here, and there are 27 other better pubs in Richmond that will better tick your boxes! :o(

21 Jan 2015 14:16

See all comments by TeeJay

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TeeJay has been registered on this site since 17th July 2006