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BITE user profile - Sparky001

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Username: Sparky001

Age: 67

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Sparky001

The Holman Clavel Inn, Culmhead

How sad to read all these complaints about the Holman. Proir to the current Landlords I viewed this amazing place with the intent on taking it over from the previous Landlord. From the moment we arrived at our viewing we were planning on things we could do, which was fully based on the community feel. Even to the degree that we may have continued "The Late Taxi Service" Out of the many many pubs we have looked at, this was the one place that could have been an amazing community led local. We were so interested in the things we felt we could do that we even spoke unofficially with the Parish Council. On occasions we still look-up the Pub for any local news, hence my arrival today. I have no knowledge of the current situation and in all fairness there are always two sides to every story, but if this one does return to the market, im sure that I will look at it again.

14 Jul 2013 16:15

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Sparky001 has been registered on this site since 14th July 2013