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BITE user profile - Silsoe

Profile information

Bedfordshire resident, gets to capital a lot - not averse to a pub crawl. London's pub scene improving all the time - at last!

Username: Silsoe

Age: 52

Sex: male

Latest comments by Silsoe

The Blackfriar, Blackfriars

Amazing decor, of course. Usually a great pint to be had too. Gets packed. Probably the London pub I visit most due to convenience! Really can't fault it, as Nicholson's chain pubs go.

12 Jul 2013 08:54

The Star and Garter, Silsoe

The only pub left in the village! Somewhat "over refurbished" for my tastes, and not enough focus on ale in my opinion, but what do I know? A successful business and hopefully here to stay!

12 Jul 2013 08:52

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Silsoe has been registered on this site since 12th July 2013