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BITE user profile - Sidknee

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Username: Sidknee

Age: 45

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Latest comments by Sidknee

The Swan, Ash Vale

Christmas Eve Disappointment

This year my friends and I decided to chose The Swan for our Christmas Eve destination as it had previously been a very pleasant venue and we�ve had a good time. Unfortunately when we got there they were charging a high entry fee on the door for no other reason other than it being Christmas Eve. We were understandable disappointed by this and asked why this charge wasn�t advertised but we didn�t get anywhere. After a bit of discussion between ourselves we decided we would bite the bullet and pay to go in after being assured by the person on the door that spaces were limited to the number of tickets available. �70 worse off the group then sat down and had a good time between us, during the next two hours large numbers of people rejected the entry fee in favour of another pub. Knowing that a half empty pub this was going to hit the bar takings the idea was scrapped and people were let in free. Obviously I asked for a refund but I was told that everyone had paid for a ticket. Even as I stood and pointed at the people walking in without paying I got the same blanket response. I think The Swan is a lovely place but I would never go there again on principle and if anyone is planning to go there on a special calendar date I suggest you be prepared to line to pub�s pockets.

30 Dec 2008 18:05

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Sidknee has been registered on this site since 30th December 2008