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BITE user profile - SebP

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Latest comments by SebP

The Holman Clavel Inn, Culmhead

What a lot of fuss over an charming local pub.

The atmosphere may be idiosyncratic, but the physical environs are clean, fresh and new in an airport bar or hotel lobby sort of way . The host has 'interesting' views (some close to my own) which she happily shares without asking payment or favour or even listening to yours in return. Well it's probably best not to express any opinions at variance to the landlady's as clashing with the local milieu and micro Zeitgeist is just rude - when in Rome ,invade Poland or something similar ? Those weirdos and oddities able to think for themselves and with well reasoned, cogent and evidence based opinions and beliefs are just lefty troublemakers and obviously not welcome.
I find my ill thought out, irrational, xenophobic and bigoted views go down well and just don't understand the problems of my fellow locals with this establishment. Indeed I have been able to have detailed and interesting chats with the landlady about many of them and share my expert opinion on the whole matter.

Another attraction is the random opening hours. You just never know if it will be open or not which certainly adds a bit of excitement and spice to life - Well it can sometimes be quiet and dull here on the Blackdowns! Perhaps the only minor drawback of the place now is the recurring sense of loneliness as there are so few other customers - I just can't understand why. So don't listen to all the criticisms and complaints of others, think for yourself and give it a try. Well give it a try anyway.

As to complaints about the way the Parish Council have handled matters what another lot of fuss over nothing. The rent comes in so the Parish precept is protected. So loads and loads of locals have lost a well loved pub and meeting place which they happen to own and entrust to the care and control of the PC. But why on earth should the PC worry over this as they never used it much themselves anyway and can better spend their time objecting to the Strummer of Love licencing and babelling on about travellers sites and the like ! Lets not take local democracy too far and give sway to the decent and reasonable majority. That's communism or something else bad isn't it!

27 Aug 2012 11:08

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