BITE user profile - Scrumpylicious
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Latest comments by Scrumpylicious
This site is for reviewing pubs, not picking holes in others' comments. I stand by everything I have already said.
There is a general air of hostility towards outsiders in this pub, whether they have children or not, and I know I am not alone in feeling this. It is such a shame that you cannot pass through this beautiful area and enjoy a drink without being made to feel uncomfortable.
What these locals fail to realise is that a pub such as The Rock needs to attract outsiders for it to remain a viable business. Pubs are closing at an unprecedented rate and it would be a shame to lose another simply because the locals are too blinkered to see that they are doing this pub a disservice.
Sometimes things must adapt in order to survive in the modern world.
5 May 2012 23:36
A shockingly unwelcoming pub for such a beautiful location. What a shame. Even before entering, you are glared at in a menacing fashion by the locals sitting outside. It seems to be a private members club for child-hating, resentful, middle-aged men, who presumably live in the area. Perhaps the village mafia is alive and well around here. I wholeheartedly agree and support the comments already made in this regard. As for the selfish child-haters, they were once children themselves and someone had to put up with them!
A pub in such a beautiful area should welcome a mixture of people from all walks of life, including families. I fear a dog would get a better reception around here than a family with young children. How ridiculous.
Everyone I have spoken to since my visit have also found this pub to be totally unwelcoming to outsiders, whether you have children or not. It is full of very sad old men, clearly well past their prime, who hate any sign of family life. What an indictment to Chiddingstone Hoath.
I understand the pub has recently changed hands. Let's just hope the new owners can ring the much-needed changes. Good luck to them!
18 Apr 2012 17:18
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Scrumpylicious has been registered on this site since 18th April 2012
The Rock, Chiddingstone Hoath
A nice, if wholly implausible, story there, KettleChip. It is so obvious that you are one of the many locals currently trying to sell your property. From what I have seen, nothing sells in that area and, judging by the locals that frequent The Rock, I am not at all surprised. A pretty little pub in a fetid backwater. What a shame.
6 Feb 2013 22:13