BITE user profile - Sasha1970
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Username: Sasha1970
Age: 54
Sex: ?
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Sasha1970 has been registered on this site since 6th July 2011
The Globe, Dunstable
After reading the reviews posted I felt I needed to write my own review as it was clear the person(s) leaving the reviews over the past week or so has some grudge against Maureen the Landlady rather than the actual pub itself. My husband and I have been a regular at this pub and have found all the negative reviews astonishing to say the least. This pub has a warm and inviting environment the staff are welcoming and the beer is always spot on. Please to all you people wanting to write these reiews concentrate on what these pages are actually for rather than victimising and intimidating inocent people.
6 Jul 2011 17:31