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BITE user profile - Sarah_C

Profile information

Username: Sarah_C

Age: 39

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Sarah_C

Circle Bar, Clapham North

Ha, just got tagged in a load of photos from a few weekends ago from the Mad Hatter's Tea Party that was held at the Circle. Bloody brilliant.
Admittedly it was rammed but the live bands and DJ were pretty amazing, and they'd decked the whole place out Alice in Wonderland style - looked awesome. Didn't try any of the Mar-tea-ni cocktails (ahem, didn't sound like my sort of thing) but can honestly say that I danced around like a lunatic.
Will deffo return - thinking that it might be good for my party next year.

3 Dec 2009 15:18

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Sarah_C has been registered on this site since 3rd December 2009