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The Blue Anchor, Reigate

If what Thirst4beer say's is true that the new landlady at BA says that she wants to make it a popular attraction for Ale & good food then she won't last long with this company as that is what the last couple were trying to do and succeeding but the company disagreed with that line of business and wanted the social club atmosphere of TV's and loud music, you can't have both..... I agree with with Blackgander, the BA will very soon be just 27, West St, Reigate!!!!!

25 Sep 2009 16:42

The Blue Anchor, Reigate

Well done Wiggy for the positive outlook for the BA but I think you have missed the boat on this one as 50% of the businesses adjacent to the pub have now closed within the last 8 months, the student trade that was gained by the manager up to May will all disappear within the next two weeks. The TV's might work on the occasional big match nights but they have also installed TV's in the Red Cross so you will only be sharing customers with them??? Good food would be a way forward during the winter months in Reigate but if you don't know that the new management had changed the prices, who is actually in control there??. As for supporting the local brewer, the temporary 'girl' ran out of all bitters within two days of arriving. The new guy and I think his daughter do not seem to have had any experience of running a pub before. He certainly has never pulled a pint and the girl doesn't seem to want to do it, I'll give the BA two months before we see another set of incompetents behind the bar.

11 Sep 2009 08:37

The Blue Anchor, Reigate

Well, it's happened again just when a proper licensee turns up the owning company screws up.... The Blue Anchor was starting to get back a bit of character and atmosphere with a real management couple, now they have left and the new 'girl' has spent four days undoing all the good work put in. The food has virtually doubled in price, halved in quality. The pub is filthy and has run out of bitter just when it was getting to be a good pint of local Pilgrims Progress. AND THEY'VE PUT IN BLOODY TV'S. Exactly what the locals did NOT want..... When will someone get it right with this pub. The last couple had at least some idea and were professional about what they were doing, the place was clean and well kept and local trade was starting to come back and appreciated what they were doing. Looks like it's back to the Black Horse for a decent night out, the Red Cross is a tip, the Bull's Head too dark and clicky the Bell, nice but too far, the rest, well....... Will someone in Reigate give us a good 'pub'

5 Sep 2009 13:15

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