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BITE user profile - SJohnson

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Username: SJohnson

Age: 46

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Latest comments by SJohnson

Dirty Dick's, Bishopsgate

Still a great place to go for good service and well kept ale.

Prices are still on the up and although I love the place, I'm struggling to see how they can justify being so high compared to other venues. Pints went up another 8 pence last week and I thought they were expensive already. I'm not suggesting more one minute that they should be on a par with the likes of the Wetherspoon over the road for obvious reasons, but at over 50 pence more for a pint, is it justified?

I'll still go there, and that answers my own question I suppose. Without giving them license to take liberties, I think it is more important to keep the idiots out of this great pub by pricing them out. Maybe that's what the Guv'nor is doing, and on that note, he runs it very well.

11 Mar 2009 10:18

The Three Kings, Clerkenwell

Popped in a couple of weeks ago as was early to meet a friend round the corner. Fantastic little place with a really great vibe and a cracking pint of Deuchars - one of my favourite ales. Food looked great and not expensive although I didn't eat there. Will definitely be returning.

Worth noting also that they don't take cards for all you people that don't carry cash!

Staff were very friendly also. The lovely barmaid from Brasil, was happy to promote the party they were holding that night to celebrate the last day of Carnival, but alas I could not return due to a prior engagement.

11 Mar 2009 10:01

The Hoop and Grapes, City Of London

Pubs primarily are for drinking in, rather than eating, and the ales I've had here have been excellent. Not eaten there, but would rather the landlord had Cask Marque accreditation than an award winning kitchen, as he is running a pub and not a restaurant.
Keep up the good work!

4 Sep 2008 10:57

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SJohnson has been registered on this site since 21st March 2007