BITE user profile - RHINO23
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Username: RHINO23
Age: 34
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RHINO23 has been registered on this site since 10th March 2009
Sway Bar, Holborn
firslt of all havn't been there on a normal night but went there yesterday for a special event...thought the music was deffo too loud due to their insane sound system that consists of 2 different makes of speakers which total to about 5thousand watts lol cause of that the bartenders couldn't hear a thing anyone was asking for + they're deffinately overpriced drinks.
Another thing were the bouncers they were such idiots not doing their jobs properly....they were pushing ppl outta the way for no reason when really they should only lay a hand on someone if the person is giving them brutal force...and one guy got hit with a bar by a bouncer and + a metal bar fell on my leg and they totally ignored it my advice stay well clear of that place maybe they'll start to change if people don't go :D
10 Mar 2009 17:29