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BITE user profile - Peter1

Profile information

Username: Peter1

Age: 49

Sex: male

Latest comments by Peter1

The Kings Head, Woodbridge

In reference to the daniel's comments. I am a londoner (Isle of Dog's) and I can t get a I cannot buy seven pints of anything for �17 in London but can in the Cherry Tree and Kings Head.
Random small town? like to know where you come form that you feel you have the authority to call Woodbridge a random small town. Dont know what your sulking about but get over it.

Woodbridge is as fine an example of a English town as you can home to find..steeped in history

3 Mar 2005 13:26

Cherry Tree Inn, Woodbridge

Gorgeous barmaid

3 Mar 2005 13:18

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Peter1 has been registered on this site since 3rd March 2005