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BITE user profile - Oxborrow

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Username: Oxborrow

Age: 38

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Oxborrow

The Woolpack Inn, Warehorne

Regarding JamesHall10's note, The Woolpack Inn has been owned by the same person (my father) for the past 8 years, there is no new owner only a new head chef.

The head chef that was there originally had been working at the pub since my father took it over 8 years ago. The only reason the food recently seemed to decline is because the head chef became very sloppy and bought in everything pre-cooked or frozen so there was little for him to do in the kitchen. This is why the head chef is no longer at The Woolpack Inn and now has a new head chef who is very talented.

This is still a lovely pub and is worth another go now things are being sorted properly. Please don't just dismiss it due to the lazyness of the previous chef, the pub still has all it's charm and the food is just as good as it was!

24 Feb 2009 10:17

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Oxborrow has been registered on this site since 24th February 2009