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BITE user profile - Mr_Ripper

Profile information

I drink beer

Username: Mr_Ripper

Age: 57

Sex: male

Latest comments by Mr_Ripper

The Quintrell Inn, Quintrell Downs

Been here a number of times and the food is quite good. The chief at the carvery is a right miserable sod! Good ale, play area, telly and some quite tasty Polish staff ;) Not a bad little pub.

5 Jul 2007 12:15

The Fort Inn, Newquay

Nice pub. Good views, good food, something for the kids to do, staff very helpful. Great for kids, not so great for cheesy dullards with no kids and an ability to moan, whinge, and be very knobheadish. Go to barracuda you trumpets

5 Jul 2007 12:06

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Mr_Ripper has been registered on this site since 25th June 2007