BITE user profile - MouthoftheNene
Profile information
Username: MouthoftheNene
Age: 54
Sex: female
Latest comments by MouthoftheNene
Well anonymous, You'll be pleased to know that the Anchor is changing hands yet again, after only a year! Sam cannot make it pay. Possibly because she stopped the Bed and Breakfast side of the business and has also alienated many regulars.
Yes I admit service has become terrible. It takes ages to get served. Sam is more of a socialiser than able to run the pub.
Lets hope that the new licensees make a better go of it and value their customers. Also lets hope they can build it back up to what it was before as local pubs are becoming an endangered species.
3 Aug 2005 12:16
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MouthoftheNene has been registered on this site since 3rd August 2005
The Anchor, Sutton Bridge
Also I feel I must add to the comment by the current licensee (sam) about making the pub nicer. Your opinion is that you have made things nicer. A few hanging baskets and benches DO NOT make a pub!! A pub is where people go to relax and enjoy good company and if you wanted to change everything, why didn't you buy into another pub instead? The Anchor has been known for donkeys years as a pub for more mature people and the Wildfowlers used the Bed and Brek every year! This was never a youngsters yobbo pub!
I think you will find many of the regulars are not your regulars any more.
3 Aug 2005 12:20