BITE user profile - MISSRG
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MISSRG has been registered on this site since 5th December 2009
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MISSRG has been registered on this site since 5th December 2009
The Bull, Berkhamsted
Millay's right, a proper drinker's pub with a cosy atmosphere... in daytime and early evening, but >
At night, later, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sunday an absolute local community noise nuisance. Up to 2-00pm occasionally but 1-00 am regularly FSS nights, the rear of the pub ejects horrendous noise levels to streets hundreds of yards away. Cackling women competing with loud shouty 'alpha males', revving cars in rear carpark, staggering stupid hollering males wander up middle high street like rabid dogs, sometimes brawling, at any & every hour after midnight: a known local nusiance that goes on and on, night after night, with no let up, as if nobody inside cares or even notices.
If theres any form of sport on, same again, but worse, smoking ban and free&easy licensing hours, selfish drinkers destroyed our peace... permanently.
Can't we get back to how pubs used to be... with landlords that actually ran them and made noisy drunkards unwelcome?
Ans: No, of course not, ��� rules so there are no rules!
Quieten down or you'll be shut down, no doubt later rather than sooner, but it will happen and that would be a great shame ;)
5 Dec 2009 02:40