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BITE user profile - Jigs

Profile information

Username: Jigs

Age: 57

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Jigs

The Sir Colin Campbell, Kilburn

As for Trad. Irish Music and Irish songs it was a great Pub to be in for St. Patrick�s Night / Weekend and during Easter , with its usual Saturday Irish Music session . Conversation referring to the Auld Country and of times past were heard frequently through the evening and night . The Quiz Master who holds the regular Thursday night Quiz contributed his penny�s worth as usual . Very enjoyable .
Take it from J i g s ( Jim In Good Spirits )

26 Mar 2008 22:09

The Sir Colin Campbell, Kilburn

On Saturday nights there�s a very good Irish Traditional Music sit down session . With visiting singers and musicians participating . On occasions regular drinkers are asked to sing , worth keeping quiet for and listening to . It's great to know there is still a Trad. Irish Music session following in Kilburn High Road N W 6 . Will visit the Pub again on Saturday nights . Worth going there for the good Guinness . Appreciative and welcoming .

7 Mar 2008 19:20

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Jigs has been registered on this site since 6th September 2007