BITE user profile - Jherryangel
Profile information
Username: Jherryangel
Age: 59
Sex: male
Latest comments by Jherryangel
Ye Olde House At Home, Broadwater
I was here the other Sunday - a beautiful early Summer's evening with my partner and members of his family (including three children: aged 9yrs, 10yrs and 16 months). We came here with this in mind, a pub with a garden for the children. But alas, all was not well. After safely finding ourselves a seat in the garden, I proceeded to spend �30 at the bar. On the second beer run, and spending a further �7, I was told that the children would not be weclome after 8pm - it was now 7.30pm. When I enquired as to the reason, I was told 'licencing laws require it'. Shame they couldn't have told me this earlier - but hey, they wouldn't have had my �37 in their till - avoid if you have kids!!! Other than that, it appeared to be a rather nice little pub but we didn't (couldn't!!!) stay long enought to find out. Shan't go there again - score is minus 3 stars for each of the evicted children - shame on you!!
14 Jun 2006 14:35
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Jherryangel has been registered on this site since 5th June 2006
Ye Olde House At Home, Broadwater
Thank you for your honest and rapid response. However, you surely can't expect customers to know the conditions on your licence - may I suggest a sign at both the garden and front entrances to that effect - I'm sure it'll avoid ill feeling all round and go some way to improve any customer relationships - a few moments thought can go a long way.
19 Jun 2006 14:01