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BITE user profile - Jay28

Profile information

Essex and London (although do occasionally venture further afield) based quest to find places which provide a good pint and a pleasant atmosphere.

Username: Jay28

Age: 52

Sex: male

Latest comments by Jay28

Ivory Peg, Chelmsford

By the way, as a member of the ruling class, yes, I went to a public school, and qualified in the professions, (much bloody good it did me!)

I would just like to make the point that these guys you all like i.e. Farage, Martin, Sunak et al, were the dropouts from that system. They may have Plummy voices, and a nice taste in suits, but they were /are despised by us.

They were the sort of bods who got a good wedgie or a bogwash periodically at school to try and teach them their place, but they just didn't listen.

Rather than take those lessons onboard they became bitter and decided to to curry favour with you by advocating Brexit and various other muscle flexing bullshit.

Don't trust em.

30 Mar 2024 01:56

Ivory Peg, Chelmsford

I referred to the chairman of Wetherspoons PLC as the "owner" because he acts like it.... However, it appears that he sold his company on the stock exchange (presumably to make wads of cash$$), so it seems that you and I own it!!! through our pension contributions/ our private dabbles in the stock market etc.

So what gives this gobshite the right to preach his views to us? He acts like he owns the company, but he doesn't, we do.

Maybe I should be able to have a poster on the bar advocating a rise in staff wages, or free pints for refugees? etc. I could go on....

Maybe we could have a vote on what gets said in these posters... oh, we do, it's called the Company AGM, and we all get a say. How marvellous. Just what Maggie Thatcher wanted us all to have.

So why do we allow these posing twerps to pretend they own companies that they don't, and to use them as political wrecking balls for their own ends?

Might the Brexit vote, for example, have tilted a bit the other way if we had not had the "owner" of Wetherspoons spouting, what we all now know to be nonsense, in our ears, while we happened to be pissed up in the pub!

Maybe, Maybe, Maybe not.

29 Mar 2024 23:38

Ivory Peg, Chelmsford

Hulots-hat, Thomas Paine knew a thing or too. I wonder if what riled him up so much that he crossed the Atlantic and wrote the US constitution was something like them putting up a billboard in his local pub forcing you to read the squire’s view on an issue of the day?

I was once caught reading “The Rights of Man”. In a pub not far from the one we are posting about now. It was a masonic evening and a lot of older gents in smart black suits were lingering around. I got engaged in conversation by a gaggle of them… what are you reading?…. Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man… isn’t that all a bit simplistic for the modern age?… no…. Oh, so you think you are smarter than all of us then?… no…that’s all been discredited now and it’s a bit left wing isn’t it…. I don’t think so…backs were turned and more important conversations were attended to about the relative merits of the new Jaguar, and how Fred had recently landed a contract for houses to be built etc. etc.

Your comment is pertinent.

29 Feb 2024 21:47

See all comments by Jay28

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Jay28 has been registered on this site since 26th March 2008