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BITE user profile - JCLOTH

Profile information

Username: JCLOTH

Age: 75

Sex: ?

Latest comments by JCLOTH

The Gog and Magog, Plymouth

Possibly the worst pub in the Wetherspoon's empire. Inside, almost every bit of upholstery was torn, and you needed a torch to find your way around the side bar area(probably so you wouldn't notice the upholstery....). Outside equally tatty, and it was difficult to quote a table number for food, since the numbers were written in felt-tip and faded. Beer was tolerable, but the range limited and uninspiring. Staff were pleasant enough, but, as in most JDW pubs, there weren't enough of them. All in all, a bit of a bummer.

6 Aug 2008 12:34

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JCLOTH has been registered on this site since 6th August 2008