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BITE user profile - Hastings

Profile information

Username: Hastings

Age: 62

Sex: female

Latest comments by Hastings

Blacksmiths Inn, Ninfield

Empty and soulless with a barman (boy) who likes to read his book in between the tedious task of having to serve us. The pub across the road had at least 80 customers eating, probably because they are serving a plate of cheap grub at under four quid, but this place didn't have any customers after we left.

27 Sep 2008 07:56

The 1066, Battle

Dreadful chav city with very cheap beer, from a ten minute visit I came to the conclusion that most of the young customers were called "innit", avoid.

27 Sep 2008 07:43

The Senlac Inn & Restaurant, Battle

It's still full of drunken builders but the atmosphere is good with the music, not overly busy but friendly bar staff and service make it a 7/10.

27 Sep 2008 07:39

See all comments by Hastings

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Hastings has been registered on this site since 27th May 2006