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BITE user profile - Harry1234

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Username: Harry1234

Age: 53

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Harry1234

The Kings Head, Burgess Hill

Jesus! Three out of three pubs� I�ve been in Burgess Hill are dyer! Another Local Pub that seems to cater exclusively for very unfriendly alcoholics. I could even feel my feet sticking to the carpet. The Landlord (If that�s who he was) just looked at you like he was going to punch you just for being there��Thank god I�m not working in this town for long. My quest for a decent/friendly Local continues�..No wonder there all closing��

1 Dec 2008 18:02

The Cricketers, Burgess Hill

What is this place all about? I walked in there and was immediately accosted by some drunk. Couldn�t understand what he was slurring at me so just smiled politely and tried to find some bar space. After some dirty looks I managed to get a pint. Tried not to laugh at the drunken woman trying to dance with the dog. Surreal! Leave before you get beaten-up and robbed.

1 Dec 2008 17:46

The Weald Inn, Burgess Hill

�ROUGH� is probably the best description for this place. I couldn�t work out if the place is rotting from the inside out or the outside in! One pint out of a grotty glass on a Saturday night was enough. Upon leaving (if you can without incident) check that you still have your wallet and watch. Very unfriendly haven for low life alcoholics.
A classic example of why the Local pub trade is dying.

1 Dec 2008 17:27

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Harry1234 has been registered on this site since 1st December 2008