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BITE user profile - HarrogateSquid

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Username: HarrogateSquid

Age: 38

Sex: ?

Latest comments by HarrogateSquid

The Old Bell Tavern, Harrogate

Recently moved to Harrogate and was scouting out a good local in the area. Walked into the Bell Tavern and loved the decor and loved the selection of well kept ales on tap. These just happened to include award winner 'Rudgate Ruby Mild'. Brilliant.

Staff were friendly and knowlegdable. I was told that they usually only order in guest ales a cask at a time so the stock rotation is remarkable. Went back a few days later and several of the taps had changed. This makes it great for bitter/real ale fans who are always keen to sample new and exciting as well as old, well established brewers.

A must on a visit to Harrogate.

22 Mar 2010 22:18

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HarrogateSquid has been registered on this site since 22nd March 2010