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BITE user profile - Handy4u

Profile information

Username: Handy4u

Age: 65

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Handy4u

The Unicorn, Altrincham

The Unicorn is sort of ok' thats about it really, unfortunately any continuity of performance from a positive stand point is lost as managers change shifts! as i've lost count of the times that there has been no cask beer available and that being the reason given! ie: lines have not been cleaned,or the beer is not ready for consumption!, which is ridiculous! when you consider that Weatherspoons pride themselves on their cask ales,also someone should take the time to teach bar staff how to pull cask ale,as some of the attempts are embarrassing,also it is a false economy to try and serve beer that has been in the line over night,as people go elsewhere if the beer is why do they do it?

15 Apr 2007 11:42

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Handy4u has been registered on this site since 15th April 2007