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BITE user profile - Groovehound

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ex-Beer Fiend with taste. When you don't drink, the pub had better be good!

Username: Groovehound

Age: 46

Sex: male

Latest comments by Groovehound

The Devonshire Arms, Camden

Still the same (metal-orientated) incarnation, but last night after coming from a really good death metal gig, they were playing cheesy stuff like 50s rock n roll, then progressed to cheesy classic rock / party rock, which can be forgiven due to it being a Saturday night and party night - and good metal being a bit serious and technical.
However, beware the cheese that can be played by the glam-rock loving red-haired DJ. Who's OK as a person, all else being equal, but really does love his 80s pop-metal and plain POP a bit too much. If you don't want to play metal, or something at least impossible to hear in mine or any other local, move over and allow new blood in, mate.

1 Mar 2014 22:36

The Unicorn, Kentish Town

'Before this pub decided to turn metal, it was alright for a few beers and a chat. Now you have to shout to be heard by someone directly infront of you. Shame'

1) Before it decided to turn metal was the very early 2000s. I remember seeing a metal tribute band Dead Seed here often, even though it wasn't really a 'metal' place 7 days a week. That was over a decade ago. What period is maddymads referring to, or is s/he a bit selective-remembering?

2) It's not metal before 7pm or even 8pm on a gig night, it's a relaxed, sport-showing, backwater-of-Camden area pub. You CAN have the both in the one pub, and if you are looking for a quiet pub on a gig night (which are clearly denoted on a blackboard on the outside wall) then look elsewhere and we've no sympathy for you. Being into metal and finding a decent, down-to-earth real pub venue that doesn't charge an entry fee and ISN'T PRETENTIOUS, is really difficult.

3) Metalheads are statistically supposed to have higher-than-average IQs... also I NEVER see fights at metal gigs, it's really rare compared to most other scenes. So apart from the loudness of the music, which I agree is intrusive to conversation (although I've managed to have plenty in this venue outside the back-room gig area) there's nothing wrong with being a metal pub.

4) Camden is turning or has long been a commercial sh*thole, with a few outstanding venues and scenes still mixed-in. This pub is one of the few decent places resisting that commercial, non-valuable (identikit, high-street stereotype nightlife) rubbish. So I salute it.

5) I don't even drink any more for health reasons. So I'm not reviewing the booze here. Tell you one thing I'm qualified to say, though - if a pub is crap, one can drink ones way into having a good time. If one doesn't drink, one cannot tolerate a crap pub. Many pubs out there make lots of money off the fact that their clientèle are drunk and incapable of discriminating, especially around places like Camden, Clapham, etc. This isn't a crap pub, it has enough to offer, ales aside.

30 Dec 2013 06:20

The Gorringe Park, Tooting

The refurbishment is a GOOD thing for the run-down area. It's quite English and makes a point of it, if you see what I mean, but does it better than any number of token St George's flags can do.
I've only been past, not even in although I hear good reports, and it bothers making an effort for its admittedly high prices and indeed 'yuppie' vibe. Some obnoxious self-satisfied 'yuppie' places definitely don't, so this is a good thing in this case (and I'm sceptical as hell when it comes to a bad vibe or pretentiousness!)
They even bother putting a herb box out the front which some utterly pathetic specimen decided to uproot one night, in jealousy, it seems. Tooting doesn't have to be a hole, shame some people don't get that. Sour grapes from the Paddy poster before.

There's a great Irish pub down the road that does everything right (The Ramble Inn) and they're not going anywhere any time soon, don't worry...

16 Aug 2013 03:01

See all comments by Groovehound

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