BITE user profile - Garlando5
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Username: Garlando5
Age: 54
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Garlando5 has been registered on this site since 22nd December 2008
The Bridge House Tavern, Penge
Sorry but it's obvious that all the previous posts are by the proprietors or associates of those proprietors of the rival establishments in the area who've obviously seen a downturn in business since this great place opened. It's an enormously welcome arrival in an otherwise sub standard social area. If anyone can bear to remember what a waste of space the previous incarnation of the Bridge House Tavern was (I think referred to as The Railway Tavern) although you'd rather get run over than face the 'gangs' that went in there. The atmosphere I've always found to be sophisticated and easygoing. I was very much a champion of The Mansion (which since is the pinnacle of trying to be somewhere it's not unoriginal, standard fare) and found the staff very willing to please. I've never had anything to complain about the quality of the food and speaking as someone who regularly eats within the W1 and Primrose Hill area, is qualified to know what they like and refer to as a good standard of food. How very disappointing it is to find so many people willing to kick a very positive uplift for the community but actually, these rather damning comments don't seem to have put off the people who flock there and the doors are still bulging....hurrah!!!!
22 Dec 2008 16:48