BITE user profile - Fredrik
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Username: Fredrik
Age: 57
Sex: male
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Fredrik has been registered on this site since 8th January 2009
The Snowdrop, Lewes
The Snowdrop did go down hill a lot after the Mays sold it. However, it was still a very good pub but it was the Smoking Ban that killed it dead (before even the credit crunch), which is ironic seening as it was the first pub in Lewes to have a non-smoking section ( early ninties). It did get an impressive amount of out of town visits but it's large circle of locals was it's back bone and they would ten to be smokers. I could see it becoming a smoke free restraunt but as a Pub it won't recover. I used to go to that pub almost every night for about 15 years. A lot of happy memories.
8 Jan 2009 02:13