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BITE user profile - Fenzal

Profile information

Username: Fenzal

Age: 47

Sex: male

Latest comments by Fenzal

The Goat Tavern, Kensington

Hmmm... granted, trying to find a pub in the general area with a tv is not sensible, but the Goat at least offered a television. That the picture was unclear and shadowing is beside the point. My objection lies with being told that food would be available after 25 minutes when in fact it arrived 50 minutes later. The garlic bread, at almost �5, was sadly inept. The chicken and mushroom hotpot did not even half fill the small bowl it arrived in. As for th side vegetables that it accompanied it, Mr. McCain must still be growing those as they appeared in the form of half a baguette. On the plus side, the fish and chips being delivered to other tables did look palatable. Unfortunately, the negatives won't see my return custom.

14 Feb 2009 23:52

The Westbury, Kilburn

When you get to see the Plump DJ's for �5.00, you could serve me a beer in a dirty shoe and I would still come back. Thankfully, the staff were fresh out of footwear so bottles of Budvar were the poison (which unfortunately were warming as the clock neared midnight as the cold fridge supply dwindled). The six shots for �12 I thought was an exceptionally reasonable price for white sambucca shots (not your average cheap "Corkys" rubbish as is often available on shot deals). Returning to my first statement, Plump DJ's for �5.00 - bring it on. Keep the grand line-ups coming.

23 Sep 2008 21:36

The Puzzle, Hammersmith

RIP Puzzle

10 Aug 2008 21:43

See all comments by Fenzal

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Fenzal has been registered on this site since 12th April 2008