BITE user profile - FarmerJack
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Regular visitor to Wells/Somerset/Bristol.
Favourite city in England.
Favourite city in England.
Username: FarmerJack
Age: 63
Sex: male
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FarmerJack has been registered on this site since 2nd August 2009
City Arms, Wells
Wells is my favourite gem in England (Smallest city).Steeped in history..Wells Cathedral (1175-1490), Bishops Palace, Vicars Close, Hot Fuzz film location, Birthplace of Mary Bignal Rand (First British female gold medal winner(Tokyo-1964) and Harry Patch (Last World War 1 veteran-just passed away last week).And don't forget to check out Jack Blandifers (1392) !!!!.
When you have done all of the above, a special treat lies in wait for you. Head for the City Arms (Was formerly the City Jail and later an abattoir) where you will find a selection of some of the finest ales anywhere. The food ain't half-bad either. I modestly consider myself a connoisseur of ales and the City Arms has never let me down yet. Best not to drive however. The bus only costs �5.60 for an adult to Bristol or you can always check into the local Swan Hotel if needs must!!. My favourite pub in my favourite English city. 10 out of 10!!!.
2 Aug 2009 17:18