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BITE user profile - Dave1964

Profile information

Username: Dave1964

Age: 60

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Dave1964

The Heath Tavern, Hillingdon

How people can be happy about the demise of a pub is beyond me. Many years ago I sat in there once or twice with a woman I loved very much.

7 Feb 2012 23:35

The Wheatsheaf, Westwood

Sadly, this beautiful , thatched pub closed a year and a half ago. Apparently there is planning permission for it to become residential, with the old barn also converted into a one bed house. Big shame to lose another one in an area which must have lost half its pubs since I moved here three years ago.

6 Feb 2012 21:44

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Dave1964 has been registered on this site since 6th February 2012