BITE user profile - Ciaran_S
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Username: Ciaran_S
Age: 52
Sex: male
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Ciaran_S has been registered on this site since 12th July 2005
The Fentiman Arms, Kennington
Aftering ordering a pint of cider I recived a pint of snakebite! it was the guys first night and I was being gentle with him, honest! In comes the manager (previously swanning about and drinking with his mates)who has a serious attude problem, to tell me wait for it...."its nice to be important but in here its more important to be nice!" so I pointed out to him its nice to get a drink within ten minutes of entering a Pub and maybe he should use his pent up energies on serving his thirsty customers then have a go at a customer who was only asking for what he had ordered. Then the bloke's gone ballastic ranting on about beinging the GOVERNOR! and how he's been in the game 22years and if I don't like it I could F off. I honestly he was going to jump the bar and have a go.
Charming. The guys a nut. The staff are poor (probably because they never stay more then a couple of weeks) and the food over priced and suspect.
DON'T WAIST YOUR MONEY. There are plenty of good pubs within striking distance where you can get a real welcome and value for your hard earned cash.
12 Jul 2005 16:05