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BITE user profile - Canadian_Animal

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Username: Canadian_Animal

Age: 47

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Canadian_Animal

The Maple Leaf, Covent Garden


After reading all of these posts, I'm shocked! Is this pub really THAT bad?

I'll be in London within the next 2 weeks and was told that The Maple Leaf was the first place I should check out.

Fisrt of all... Don't judge us Canadians by what you see in Toronto, we don't like that toilet any more than you do.

These rude Canadians you keep mentioning... by chance, were they french? :o)

I think you need to realize that Canadians are NOT the super-polite, party animal, fun people that we're made out to be... some Canadians are REAL jerks! We call them Quebecers! Thet're easy to spot, always drinking pepsi and eating poutines! If you see one, don't feed it, it'll follow you home!

I really hope this pub is a fun place to grab a pint... although I plan on visiting every pub I see, I'd like to make the Maple Leaf my final and most adventurous stop.

Cheers! See you all in a couple of weeks!

7 May 2005 19:23

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Canadian_Animal has been registered on this site since 7th May 2005