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BITE user profile - CCTV

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Latest comments by CCTV

The Wishing Well, Hayes

If you are not a local to this pub, be warned..

If you have an argument with a local or a local threatens to take your life (even with a firearm) you will NOT be protected in my opinion.

The police cannot be called because you will be barred by the MANAGEMENT as I was. you will not have witnesses, and witnesses against you may not have ever even been there. The CCTV will be temporarily malfunctioning. Remember this information.

It would appear that the custom from a man convicted of a firearms offence who attempted to take the lives of four members of a family, including two very young girls is more important than the trade of completely innocent passers by.

27 Jun 2010 13:41

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CCTV has been registered on this site since 27th June 2010