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BITE user profile - Bristolsno1

Profile information

Username: Bristolsno1

Age: 64

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Bristolsno1

The Langton Court Hotel, St Anne's

In reply to the below comment as the Landlord of these premises we are duty bound by our license. If RtB would like to see this he is more than welcome. As it states that we have a 1 o'clock license but NO new cusomers are allowed in after 11pm. As the pub is in the middle of a housing estate the neighbours did not want drunk people arriving at the pub in taxi's and wake them up so this is why the Bristol City Council gave us these rules as part of the license which also states that no one is allowed tto smoke outside after 11pm So this is why the dsoors get closed at this time.

2 Oct 2012 19:39

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Bristolsno1 has been registered on this site since 2nd October 2012