BITE user profile - BristolBeerBear
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CAMRA member, keen on a good atmosphere as well as good beer.
Username: BristolBeerBear
Age: 55
Sex: ?
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BristolBeerBear has been registered on this site since 15th October 2007
The Ring O Bells, Nailsea
Update, there's a new chef and some changes to the decor.
Early days, but the reports so far are good.
On the beer front, Bass and Best are always on (although Best is suffering from the changes at the brewery). Guest ales change regularly and include Deuchars, Hooky Best, Doom Bar and Adnams. Ciders are Stowford and Adlestones.
Canopy out the back means that smokers are well catered for as well!
15 Oct 2007 18:52