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BITE user profile - BonnieandClyde

Profile information

Username: BonnieandClyde

Age: 47

Sex: ?

Latest comments by BonnieandClyde

The Castle, Harrow On The Hill

This is my local pub and I've got to say it's quite possibly the best local any sociable person could wish for. Yes, sometimes people complain about the beer and yes, the food could be construed as expensive but all in all I very much enjoy the time I spend here. The staff make an effort and know what you drink, they are friendly and efficient (90% of the time) but everyone has an off day.

The Guv is brilliant and supported by an exceptional assistant manager in Ashley and I thoroughly disagree with the malicious comments some people have made on this site.

As for the "mince" comments, I am enough in the know to understand what this is in reference to and although I wasn't there at the time, I have heard about the "altercation" and believe the management to be in the right in this situation. FYI - the person calling themselves "Jason the Guvnor" is not actually Jason the Guvnor.

Jason runs a good pub, with good management and has turned the food around to something which I would never have believed possible.

There has been a generation of my family drinking in this pub since 1952 and long may it continue. This is the best pub. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.

PS - I'm not a member of the rambling organisation. Plus, does anyone else get annoyed about people ordering coffee late at night in a busy pub when it takes 3- 4 mins to make and you could have bought 5 rounds in this time? Hmmmmm..... Maybe Costa's is better for them?

26 Sep 2008 18:44

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BonnieandClyde has been registered on this site since 26th September 2008