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BITE user profile - BadBacchus

Profile information

Username: BadBacchus

Age: 50

Sex: ?

Latest comments by BadBacchus

The Old Wheatsheaf, Enfield

It worries me about this pub that some of the alleged "patrons" spend so much time in both the male and the female toilets. The theory that "Sandgrounder" is in fact the landlord of this establishment is quite fitting, as the term pertaining to those hailing from the town of Southport, was derived from the fact that they built their dwellings on Sand. It would appear that some have the same attitute when it comes to building business plans. There is an office block directly opposite this pub which did used to provide an excellent luchtime trade. As a "proper" businessman I can absolutely agree with the decision to close the kitchen down...........not.

3 Mar 2009 16:08

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BadBacchus has been registered on this site since 3rd March 2009