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BITE user comments - trog

Comments by trog

The Crown, Blackheath

This pub really needs to try harder. With its prime location at the edge of the heath this should be a classic - unfortunately it's tired and indifferent. The beers aren't particularly well kept and the recent addition of a dobbing great TV in the corner hasn't helped the atmosphere one bit.

15 Dec 2006 11:53

Cave Austin, Blackheath

From the outside it looks quite hip. Step through the door though and your illusions are shattered. It really is truly awful. Bouncers on the door is one thing, but bouncers every few yards inside? I wouldn't be surprised to find posts specially designed to tie pit bull terriers to.

15 Dec 2006 11:47

The Jolly Farmers (ex jordan), Lewisham

This place is an oasis of beery delight in an area where decent pubs are thin on the ground. The decor is simple, the ales are taken seriously and, all in all, it's a damn fine place in which to while away a convivial evening.

15 Dec 2006 11:37

The Dacre Arms, Lee

Simply wonderful. I've lived in Blackheath for 10 years and yet only found this gem a couple of months ago. It does everything right, and long may it continue.

15 Dec 2006 11:33

The Watch House, Lewisham

The Watch House is a good place to sit and chat and to drink good ale at silly cheap prices. It's not a big cavernous barn like a lot of Wetherspoon's pubs and the staff are always friendly. Plus, it's open till midnight. In short it's not a classic pub by any means but it does a pretty decent job.

15 Dec 2006 11:29

The Magpie, Sunbury on Thames

Good for weekend visit when its not packed, a few good beers then onwards

15 Jan 2005 00:11

The Three Fishes, Sunbury on Thames

Wander in here from time to time and not noticed any unfriendliness. No-one runs up and asks if I want to be their new buddy, but that would be either scary or sad.

14 Jan 2005 23:56

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