BITE user comments - quarterjack
Comments by quarterjack
Ownership currently up in the air. It has fruit machines and a pool table, which is a poor start. Get rid of those first.
18 Feb 2014 23:15
The Square and Compass, Worth Matravers
Love it. After a long walk along the coast this shines like a beacon. Keep it simple. Bliss.
18 Feb 2014 23:07
The view is truly wonderful, and a fine reward for making it to the top of Kingston Hill on a bike. Parking's a bit thin on the ground. The beer is mostly from small breweries now, and generally well kept and in good condition.
Unfortunately, the staff leans toward terse and self-important, while the beer is by far the priciest in the area. Stop for a good pint and the view, but don't expect a whole lot of appreciation for your custom.
18 Feb 2014 23:01
The Duke Of Wellington, Wareham
Decent beer, but no real cider, just the pressurized keg stuff from Thatcher's and Symonds, which is shameful. Now sources its food locally, so there's been a real improvement. Somehow manages to be welcoming without actually ever being friendly -- quite bizarre.
18 Feb 2014 23:25